Jelena utbildar sig för en ledarskapsroll inom besöksnäringen
Changemaker Educations driver yh-utbildningen Arctic Hospitality Leader i Boden. Utbildningen förbereder våra studenter på att axla ledarskapsroller inom besöksnäringen. Bodens gynnsamma läge vad gäller närhet till allt, omgivet av naturskönt landskap och de långa vackra vintrarna har även lockat en del utländska studenter till utbildningen.
Jelena Slavulj hade redan bott en period i Sverige när hon flyttade till Boden för att påbörja studier på utbildningen. Vi är så klart väldigt nyfikna på vad som väckte hennes intresse med utbildningen och fick henne att ta steget att flytta långt norrut. Jelena talar inte svenska ännu så intervjun som följer är på engelska.
Hi Jelena, tell us how did you end up at the Arctic Hospitality Leader education? And how did you find out about it?
I found out about AHL through Arbetsförmedlingen after I had moved to Sweden in the summer of 2021. I’m originally from Montenegro, once done with my university degree I moved to Sweden following a relative, and when I found out about Arctic Hospitality Leader I decided to apply. In the beginning, my thought was just to try it out, and I ended up getting a spot in the education and moving to what I like to call the North Pole.
What has your experience of Boden been all this time?
I have experienced several things that were on my ‘bucket list’ and met some wonderful people since I got here. For example seeing the northern lights, trying the sauna with an ice bucket and I got a tattoo haha! I also got to see Tree Hotel, Arctic Bath, Aurora Safari Camp, Arctic Retreat, and Brändön Lodge (to name a few). These are all places I would normally not be able to afford to go to, so that has been a treat.
So, it has been a fun and exciting start to my life here in Sweden. I am not a winter person normally, but the time up here has given me the opportunity to spend a lot of time with my classmates and other amazing people from the campus, like for example the Futuregames students.
I have also got the opportunity to work at an exclusive local retreat, Peetgården, despite not knowing any Swedish when I started. I have helped take care of the grounds, organize things for events, as well as serve food and drinks to guests from all over the world.
So far, I have also done a few trips around Boden to Jokkmokk and Luleå. I am also planning on going to other places around here like Gammelstad.
How have you liked the Arctic Hospitality Leader courses? And which courses did you enjoy the most?
I have enjoyed every course we have had so far. Of course, some more than others because of personal preferences, but all of them had something special about them that will make me remember them.
I have to say that I have enjoyed the courses Digital Marketing and Entrepreneurship the most out of all of them because both of those courses triggered a creative side in me that I got inspired to explore more. Also, the Hotel, Food, and Beverage course is fascinating! We are learning a lot about different wines, how to combine them best with foods, and so on. It really opened my mind and has taught me to pay more attention to smells and tastes in a fun and captivating way!
How do you envision your future after you finish AHL?
I have gotten this question so many times during this education and the only response I always give is: ‘I don’t know’. And that is the truth.Before I applied for this education I didn’t even know Boden existed, and within 9 days I went from not knowing about it to moving to live there for the next year and a half.So, despite how organized I am, planning my future is not something I want to do anymore. I’ll leave it up to life to surprise me, hopefully in a good way!
Om Arctic Hospitality Leader
Yh-ubildningen Arctic Hospitality Leader är på 300 yh-poäng (1,5 år) och börjar 11 september. Utbildningen ges på Changemaker Educations campus i natursköna Boden, och fokus ligger på ledarskap och hållbar turism. Utbildningen ger dig alla de verktyg du behöver för att bli nästa generations ledare inom turism och besöksnäring. Läs mer om Arctic Hospitality Leader här.