
Frontend Developer

Om Utbildningen

A constant need for new skills

Frontend development is a dynamic and constantly evolving field. From designing and creating the look and feel of web applications, to building databases for managing information, to communicating across the web via APIs - the modern FE developer requires a broad and deep skill set. Digital strategies, mobile-first and responsive design principles, User Experience design, system architecture, collaborative software, version control and agile project methodologies are all part of the FE development toolkit. Do you want to be involved in developing today's and tomorrow's websites and apps? Then this is the education for you!

The industry needs Frontend Developers

We collaborate with a variety of companies and organizations to design an education – all in English – to meet the need for frontend and web application developers. We have gathered some of the industry’s most knowledgeable developers and lecturers in web development, web programming, and web design under one roof. You will have the opportunity to train to become the sharpest web developer and web application developer of the future. You set the bar for how far you want to go during your two years with us.


The all-English Frontend Developer program is aimed at you who:

 Want to acquire a unique skill set that is highly sought after in EVERY job market.

  Want to gain an overview of the industry and learn agile methodologies that promote collaboration.

   Want to learn web development skills to enhance the user’s digital experience (UX/UI).

  Want to learn how to create systems and integrations that support both current and future needs.

  Want to learn how to manage databases and build responsive websites for all platforms.


Skills you develop through the education:

  • You learn web application development according to UX, Mobile First, and responsive design principles.
  • You will create robust and scalable systems and system integrations
  • You will be able to plan, produce and maintain web applications by mapping customer needs, business operations, and requirements to technology
  • You will gain knowledge in UX, design, and layout
  • You will gain insight into how the industry relies on cross functional teams collaborating to build even the largest projects
  • You will learn how to build anything you can think of.

An education that provides you with several career opportunities

FE development has almost limitless applications in tech, e-commerce, and the financial sector. Examples of titles and professional roles for you after graduation are:

  • Frontend Developer
  • Full Stack Developer
  • Node / React Developer
  • Web Application Developer
  • Web Designer
  • Scrum master

LIA – an incredible opportunity during your education

As part of the education, you will undertake LIA (internship) at leading industry companies. During LIA, you deepen your learning and gain the work experience needed to develop today’s and tomorrow’s web applications. You build your network and establish relationships with future employers already during your studies. We collaborate with a range of companies and e-commerce platforms regarding LIA, industry events, lectures, recruitment, and management group work.


Thesis Work
20YHP / 4v
Frontend Programming
80YHP / 16v
JavaScript Frameworks
60YHP / 12v
LIA - Internship
100YHP / 20v
Version Control
10YHP / 2v
Web Application Development
80YHP / 16v
Web Servers and Databases
50YHP / 10v


You are welcome to apply if you have a high school diploma with:

  • English 6
  • Mathematics 2
  • Programming 1 alt. Webbdevelopment 1

or equivalent. 

Equivalent skills can be obtained in many different ways; you may have continued your studies or acquired equivalent skills through work experience. In that case, you may be eligible for recognition of prior learning. It is important that you substantiate how you have acquired equivalent skills.

Would you like to know more about eligibility?

You can read more about eligibility here (in Swedish).

If you do not have grades in Swedish, English, or Mathematics, you may be offered the opportunity to take eligibility tests, read more here (in Swedish).


We will give you more information about the term times when you are admitted to the education.

Most terms have different lengths and it is important that you report the right time period and the right amount of HVE-credits (Yh-points) to CSN. Each study week corresponds to five (5) HVE-credits, ie one (1) HVE-credit per day. This is provided that you continuously pass your courses with approved results.

You can find information about the lesson times during the program here

Hur ansöker du

Welcome to visit our page about the admission process.

There you will find all the information you need about the application (in Swedish):


Go to admissions »


Utbildningen är CSN-berättigad. Du kontaktar själv CSN med förfrågan om studiemedel. Gå in på

Så snart du har fått ditt antagningsbesked kan du ansöka om studiemedel från CSN. Behöver du intyg från skolan så kontaktar du din utbildningsledare. Skolan rapporterar löpande till CSN att du fullföljer dina studier. Du får dina YH-poäng löpande efter godkända kurser och är därigenom berättigad till fortsatt studiestöd. Om du inte fullföljer dina studier behöver du omgående meddela detta till CSN. Avtalet mellan dig och CSN är inget som skolan ansvarar för, men vi hjälper dig gärna när du behöver intyg eller har frågor. Kontakta din utbildningsledare.


YH-utbildningar leder till jobb, enligt statistiken får 9 av 10 anställning efter examen.

Din kompetensprofil och nya arbetsroll är eftertraktad på arbetsmarknaden. Changemaker Educations mäter varje år hur många som fått anställning sex (6) månader efter examen och rapporterar resultatet till MYH.


När det gäller lön och karriär rekommenderar vi dig att hålla koll på Lönebarometern



Utbildningsledaren ansvarar för planering och genomförande av din utbildning. Utbildningsledaren är också din närmaste kontaktperson på skolan.

Miriam Skogsäng Lund

Head of Education
Agile Project Manager & Frontend Developer

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